Friday 25 August 2017

3 Day Simple Detox Plan


        In my practice, I came across few individuals suffering with symptoms ranging from a simple dandruff on scalp to explainable joint pains, fatigue etc. Unfortunately these guys term their symptoms or relate to major diseases by reading the XYZ content on Internet, from fellow patients etc.They end up knocking doors of multiple specialists and getting prescribed with lots of unwanted medications. I don’t blame  the doctors for this all the times, it’s a kind of attitude of the patient which makes the doctor prescribe and sometimes it’s the patient who persists to take medications by exaggerating the symptoms. Once you start feeling diseased without any proper diagnosis or supporting medical tests…… You really start having a disease.

        Human body is a miracle, it’s a gift given to you by God. It has enormous capacity to heal itself. Your duty is to provide enough support and rest to the external body and internal organs during the “not feeling well” situations.

        This is when I ask my patients to slow down a bit from their existing busy schedule and listen to their body. Many diseases have unknown origin … that we call as idiopathic origin. Modern medicine believes in bacteria, viruses, fungus etc that infect your body, but what is that environment in the body which is making it easier for you to get infected? Why one suffers with lower immunity ? Why few people end up having deficiencies in spite of consuming supplements?

The reason could be...
  1. Dearrangements in internal body functions
  2. Lower digestion, assimilation and absorption
  3. No proper elimination etc.
        During these times one should get their bodies detoxed and restrain from   unwanted, unhealthy foods to support the body from its healing process. Our bodies do have organs to detox all the toxins, chemical substances, biological end products etc, but detox processes help these organs to function well by providing some rest to these organs.

        When your body is not feeling well, it might show in the form of a simple fever, cold, indigestion, constipation, lethargy etc. Instead of running to the doctor on the day one for getting antibiotics, paracetamol etc....just rest and eat less.


  • When you don’t feel well, your digestion, absorption get slower. That is why you should eat less, preferably semi- solid foods, soups ,juices and drink lots of water rather than indulging in 'tasty' junk foods. Have you observed, your pets won’t consume much food when they are ill and prefer to go on a fast and lie down till they feel better. You are not nourished by the quantity or quality of food, you are nourished by the amount you are able to digest and utilise.
  • Enhance elimination by drinking lots of water and  juices.
  • Rest your body and mind.


        I am  giving you a 3 day programme ,which is simple,effective and does not need a medical supervision (unless u have some major illness). It’s not an ideal detox programme, in which you are supposed to stay at health centre which provides you therapies ranging from mud therapy-hydrotherapy,massage etc apart from the diet. This is simple, practical for general public.
        If you have 3 days of long weekend. Let's say a Friday, Saturday, Sunday make up your mind for the detox and prepare yourself mentally that you're going to follow the diet strictly:
  • Do not have alcohol.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Don’t eat foods of animal origin or meat products.
  • Minimize coffee or tea(better to stop)
  • Minimize energy drinks(better to stop)
  1. Wake up early between 5:30 -6:30 AM
  2. Consume ½ liter of water (if not at once, with a interval of half an hour).
  3. Evacuate your bowels, if you are constipated then have a cup of warm water/green tea with no sugar.
  4. Carry on with your regular exercise routine (but make sure that it’s not strenuous). I  recommend simple stretches, yogasanas and long refreshing walks rather than jogging, weight lifts etc.
  5. After exercise  one can consume a glass of (200 ml) of water mixed with ½ lemon and 2 tsp of honey or Jaggery to get some energy or you can opt for any other natural drink of your choice after a gap of 5-10 minutes
  6. Prefer a warm to cold bath.

The above 4 steps are going to be same for next two days.



        It’s not suitable if you are suffering with any of the following ailments.(you can go ahead under a guidance of a medical Practitioner or at a specialized Wellness centre ) Gastritis, ulcers, diabetes, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, migraine, if you are on certain medications like ecosprin, clopidogrel, anti epileptics or any other life saving medications, analgesics, antibiotics etc. in these conditions your body is  required to consume solid foods. If you wish to detox,you can go ahead with semisolid foods, soups with vegetables, grains ,sprouts, half boiled vegetables with zero oil preparations etc.
Preparing yourself mentally is very much necessary to follow liquid diet (even if it’s for a day). If you are not prepared mentally …. I am sure you will end up by eating by the end of the day.

        One might get slight headache (if you used to have tea, coffee or any other addictive substances),nausea, vomiting once or twice (if the stomach is too much acidic), restless, feverish,weak etc…..but these are good symptoms, your body is trying to throw up the toxins and heal itself.. All these will subside in a day or two. You just need to be calm and support your body by consuming lots of water (6-8 glasses of water) and other 6-8 glasses (150-200 ml) of fruit juices throughout the day.

        You can go with any of the liquids including but not limited to lemon juice, orange , pineapple, litchi, water apple, pomegranate, coconut water, clear soups, buttermilk/ yogurt ¼ cup mixed with 200 ml of water etc.


  • You can start your day with a glass of juice (any of the above mentioned).
  • For breakfast … you can have a soup.
  • For lunch- 2 varieties of fruits (less than 500 gm) +100-150 gm of raw salad (1 bowl)
  • For evening time – a glass of clear soup
  • For dinner,same as lunch.

One can start day with a healthy vegetarian breakfast, including any from the given list:

  • Oat meal
  • Cereals
  • Steamed preparations based on your culture, locality
  • Wheat bread/pulka/ quinoa/ soft cooked rice+lots of vegetables.
  • Fruits +salads+soup
DAY 4-5
  • Either you can continue day 3 menu as long as you can.
  • You can resume to your regular diet slowly.
One can repeat this 3 days programme once in 15 days or a month.
The opinions and suggestions written in this article are purely personal.

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